[Filmmaking] How Harvey Weinstein Destroyed Movie All the Pretty Horses
[Filmmaking] How Harvey Weinstein Destroyed Movie All the Pretty Horses
- Problem with a Key Music License

Today let's talk about how Harvey Weinstein destroyed one of the most beautiful movies.
In 2000, Matt Damon starred in a movie called All the Pretty Horses, which was directed by the famous director Billy Bob Thornton and was produced by Harvey Weinstein's company.
在2000年,马特·达蒙(Matt Damon)出演了一部电影《 All the Pretty Horses》(骏马),该电影由著名导演比利·鲍勃·桑顿(Billy Bob Thornton)导演,由哈维·温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)的公司制作。
The original movie was over three hours long and Weinstein demanded the movie to be cut down to two hours and to replace the original music score with completely different music.
Rumor says this cut was a payback to Thornton's refusal to cut his other movie Sling Blade.
谣言说,这次剪片是温斯坦进行的报复,因为桑顿拒绝剪他的另一部电影《吊索之刃》(Sling Blade)。
When they released the two hours version of the movie All the Pretty Horses, it received bad reviews. it's currently only 35% on rotten tomatoes.
However, the original movie is supposed to be breathtakingly beautiful. So, later on, Thornton tried to release the full version of the movie in a director's cut.
But, feeling so hurt by the initial cut, the original music score composer Daniel Lanois refused to release a music license to Thorton. (All about that copyright!) And because the original movie was actually developed around the original music score, the director’s cut cannot be released without Lanois’s music.
但是,最初的背景音乐乐谱作曲家丹尼尔·拉诺瓦(Daniel Lanois)受到最初被剪的伤害,因此拒绝授予索顿音乐许可。由于原始电影实际上是紧绕原始背景音乐制作的,因此如果没有Lanois的音乐,导演的完整剪辑版就无法发行。
And that's why we will probably never see the full version of the epic western movie - All the Pretty Horses.
Sincerely yours,
Silvia Sun, Esq.
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